Meet The Brewers

2012 Brewers


Chris Sheehan (Right) had been the head brewer at the Chelsea Brewing Company for over 13 years. Mark Szmaida (Left) is now the head brewer for almost as long. Together Chris and Mark have brewed over 1,000 batches of beer at the CBC. That’s a lot of beer. Together, Chris and Mark have brewed over 1,123 batches of beer as of 9/21/09….so thats about…….oh nevermind, it’s a lot of beer!

Chris and MarkChris and Mark with Charlie Papazian at the GABF 2008



Chris harvesting home grown Hops in Delhi, NY.
Chris harvesting home grown Hops in Delhi, NY.



  1. Yeah, I’d say Chris and Mark have cool jobs!

  2. Chris and Mark are great beerbrewers and make great beers – I love their beer – real cervesonauts!! I hope we can share more beers together – maybe in New York or in Franconia
    I wish them everitime a good sud and Prosit
    greetings from Franken

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